How Tataka Married Sunda and Gave Birth to Maareecha


Sage Vishvamitra narrates the birth, marriage and curse of female demon Tataka, and bids Rama to eliminate her menace [threat] without any hesitation of killing a female, for she is atrocious [extremely wicked, brutal, or cruel] towards the society.

Chapter [Sarga] 25 in Detail

On hearing the worthy words of that sage with inestimable [incapable of being estimated or computed] power, then the manly-tiger Rama replied him with estimable words. [1-25-1]

"It is said that Yakshas strength is trivial [ordinary], and this is an yakshii, more so a female, how then this yakshii frail [physically weak] by her femininity can exert the strength of a thousand elephants? [1-25-2]

On hearing the sentence of Raghava with illimitable [measureless] dynamism, Vishvamitra said this sentence to the enemy subduer [to bring under control] Rama along with Lakshmana, cheering them up with his pleasant words, "Listen by which a female became outstanding by jeer strength... she assumes strength by the bestowal [to put to use] of a boon. [1-25-3, 4]

"Once there was a formidable [impressive] Yaksha named Suketu, but he was childless, and he who had devout [serious and earnest] conduct performed a great asceticism. [1-25-5]

"Gladdening at his asceticism Rama, then the Forefather Brahma gave him a gemlike daughter who is renowned by the name of Tataka. [1-25-6]

"Forefather Brahma also gave the strength of a thousand elephants to her, but he that highly remarkable Brahma did not give a son to that Yaksha, anticipating male to be more hazardous. [1-25-7]

"When that bright girl is growing up into a youthful beauty her father Suketu gave her to Jambha's son Sunda as wife. [1-25-8]

"Then after sometime that yakshii Tataka delivered an indomitable son named Maareecha, who by curse became a demon. [1-25-9]

"But when Sunda is eliminated by sage Agastya's curse, she that Tataka wished to retaliate [to get revenge] that eminent sage along with her son Maareecha. [1-25-10]

"With desperation [loss of hope] brewing in her she roaringly rushed towards the sage as though to eat him away, and on seeing her rushing along with her son Maareecha towards him, the godly saint Agastya firstly cursed Maareecha saying, 'you will attain demon-hood.' [1-25-11, 12a]

agastyah parama amarsah taatakaam api shaptavaan || 1-25-12

"Highly infuriated [furious] sage Agastya even cursed Tataka saying, 'forthwith divested [free] of this form of a beautiful female, oh, great yakshii, you shall become a man eater with your form distorted [twisted], face contorted [deformed], and shape monstrous.' [1-25-12b, 13]

"Frenzied by the curse and convulsed [agitated violently] in fury she that Tataka is thus vandalizing [damaging] this auspicious province, in which sage Agastya once sauntered [to walk about in an idle or leisurely manner]. [1-25-14]

"She that highly atrocious [wicked] one is with horrific behavior and malefic [desire to cause pain, injury, or distress to another] valor, hence you shall eliminate this yakshii for the welfare of Brahmans and cows. [1-25-15]

"Excepting you there is none to eliminate her who is indomitably sheathed [buried] in a curse, oh, Raghu's legatee [one to whom a legacy is bequeathed], and none in the three worlds can possibly brave her. [1-25-16]

"Compassion regarding the elimination of a female is inappropriate, oh, best one among men, since a prince has to effectuate it intending the welfare of four categories of society. [1-25-17]

"For the reason of protecting people, a protector always has to execute such deed, either it is ruthless or humane, sinful or vilifying [evil in nature]. [1-25-18]

"To the nominee who bears the burden of kingdom this is the age-old duty, and hence oh, Rama, the legatee of Kakutstha, eliminate this infamy [disgrace], as goodness is in evident in her, isn't it. [1-25-19]

"Oh, Rama, the protector of people, we have heard that Indra once eliminated Manthara, the daughter of Virochana, when she wished to annihilate [to destroy] earth, haven't we. [1-25-20]

"And Rama, once Vishnu wiped out even the wife of sage Bhrigu and sage Shukracarya's mother when she wished the world to become one without a governing factor, namely Indra. [1-25-21]

"Oh, prince, these great souls and many other celebrated personalities have eliminated females who deported themselves with unrighteousness, and hence, oh, Rama, the protector of people, by my decree you leave off compassion and eliminate her." Thus said sage Vishvamitra to Rama regarding Tataka's elimination. [1-25-22]

Thus, this is the 25th chapter in Bala Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

Sriman Moola Rama Vijayate